Saturday, September 12, 2009

19 Months Old...wait...already??

Today the girls are 19 months old. So much has happened! Walking, running, dancing, skipping, talking,! We are amazed each day at what achievements they make. It makes my day to walk in the door after work and here 'Mommy Mommy' with this little bright-eyed toddler running to greet me. As I hug Ava hello, Sienna always manages to give me a sweet smile and says 'Maaaammeeee' in her own character voice with a little laugh at the end of it... What a pay off it is to come home to this. As a working Mother, where her career means full days and travel at times, it's these occasions that make it worth the effort and sacrafice.

More to updates to I now get ready for my Saturday with the lovelies...

as Sienna says 'here ya go'...and hands me the mouse...